Being Present is a Gift!

Most of us have learned to pay attention when someone else is speaking. We have all experienced a conversation with someone who isn’t fully present. It can be disheartening and shut down any vulnerability. It often confirms that the disinterested listener is more concerned and focused on themselves and what they have to say in reply. Or worse, they are not genuinely there to connect or help.
Even when making eye contact, a wandering mind is easy to spot and often exacerbates the hurt and isolation someone may be feeling.
When we come to a conversation without being fully committed to hearing what the other person has to say and with the goal of replying, our thoughts will wander away from the conversation or toward a response to something we heard.
Being present means being fully conscious of the moment and free from the noise of internal dialogue. When connecting soul to soul, the only agenda is to be fully attentive to what the other person has to say with the goal of entering into and understanding their story.

When you are willing and committed to rescuing a hurting person, the second step is to be fully present and listen with the intent to understand.